Garlic is a strong-smelling, pungent-tasting herb noted for its many nutrients and health benefits. It contains a powerful compound called allicin that helps lower cholesterol. The health benefits of garlic include easing the symptoms of common cold, lowering blood pressure, and reducing the risk of heart ailments as well as neurodegenerative disorders.
Cured garlic will keep at room temperature for weeks, or even months.
Cooking Tips
We incorporate garlic into almost every meal, sauteing with onions as a base. It can also be pounded with fresh herbs for pestos, adding it to salad dressings, roasted vegetables or soups. One important thing to know about garlic is that its flavor changes depending on the way you cut it. The smaller the better as you will soak the flavor out. We love to make garlic paste and use it, as it is convenient and easy to use. If you’re feeling under the weather, eat a little raw garlic or try making fire cider to have on hand throughout the winter.
To peel garlic, pry away the ends with a paring knife or you can press on a clove with the flat side of a wide knife. There’s also the bowl trick.
As a head of garlic ages and dries (and shrinks), its flavor intensifies. It will also sprout as if preparing for the dormant months of winter, whether or not it’s in the ground. That little green sprout (also known as a germ) imparts a bitterness, so it’s a good idea to pry out before cooking.