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Pea Shoots
Pea shoots are the young tender growth of pea vines. They are delicate, lovely and taste exactly like spring!
Store pea shoots in a clamshell or plastic bag, in the refrigerator. They're best eaten within a few days.
Cooking Tips
Pea shoots can be dressed and eaten on their own or tossed into any salad. They also make a beautiful and nutritious garnish to almost anything: a grain or noodle salad, an omelette, a piece of meat, or a tartine/open-faced sandwich.
As a Garnish:
Crostini with Ricotta and Pea Shoots
In a salad:
Pea Shoot and Arugula Salad with Lemon Vinaigrette
How to make a simple dressing in a jar
Stir-fried dau miu

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